Dear friends and supporters,
Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord who was resurrected from the dead!
We want to share this news all around the world and let everybody know that HE IS RISEN INDEED!
The board of our ministry would like to wish you all a Happy Easter!
· Patron: Pastor Florin Cimpean
· President: Mr. Thomas Koshy
· Vice President: Pastor Ilie Tomuta
· Board member: Mr. Tom Cropper
· Secretary: Mr. Saji George
· Treasury: Mrs. Anitha George
We want to remind you that our ministry was founded by the late Dr. P.P. Job and was initially called Dr. Jobs Mission.
Now we have a new name: “Love in Action Society”. Even though the name has been changed, the vision, purpose and leadership remain the same: to support The Michael Job Center.
The Michael Job Center is an institution located in Coimbatore, India. It was founded and established by the late Dr. P.P. Job. He was an evangelist who took the gospel to over 129 nations and worked hand in hand with the late Rev. Richard Wurmbrand. Together they worked to bring hope and relief to the persecuted churches throughout the world.
The Michael Job Center was initially founded to help the daughters of Christian martyrs in India. Dr. Job helped to provide shelter, food, education and most of all: love, unconditional love for the very young girls who were cared for at the center.
Over the years the number of children at the center has grown to over 250 children. We have expanded our policy to not only accept little girls who are orphans but also those who are trapped in poverty. We have accepted these children at the request of their parents. In some cases, we have been able to provide on campus jobs for the parents of these children. In these particular cases, the center provides an education for the children and a livelihood for their parents.
We provide education from Kindergarten to a College level. It is the only institution in the world which provides at free of cost an education up to a college level for an orphan child.
Jesus said “to whom much is given much is expected”. Today we can still hear the echo of those words; whether it’s our talent, our wisdom or our finances; Jesus calls us.
Love in Action Society has several new initiatives to help The Michael Job Center.
• We are trying to raise support to help fund the monthly meals cost for each child. The cost is about $50 per child/month.
• We are trying to find jobs for the college students upon graduation.
• Monthly zoom meetings with the children, led by Christian leaders within our communities.
Love in Action has also taken the first steps for creating a monthly newsletter to raise awareness about The Michael Job Center and to raise awareness about the international persecuted church.
Our goal and mission are focused on love for our fellow man. To love and help those in need. We believe as the apostle Paul says “We are not the preachers of the gospel but the demonstrators of the power of God”. The greatest force on earth is love.
“We are not the preachers of the gospel but the demonstrators of the power of God”.
We really appreciate all of our brothers and sisters who continue to support our projects.
Rev. Ilie U. Tomuta
Vice President
All the support can be sent to this adress:
“Genesis Mission”
1713 N. Sunnyside Ave.
Chicago, IL 60614
Rev. Ilie U. Tomuța
Uțu Tomuța este căsătorit cu Mariana și au doi copii. Coordonează Misiunea Genesis și Revista Genesis. Scrie jurnalul online „Din viața de zi cu zi” în care publică săptămânal texte scurte pentru suflet și minte.