Missionary Report- Madagascar

You can’t spread fire without getting burned!”- Chinese proverb

Twenty five years ago, Philadelphia Romanian Church of God understood that, the value of a church is contained in the ability to win people for God’s Kingdom! Our missionary work, has become the number one priority in churchs’ agenda. The beginnings of our missionary activity were not spectacular, nor easy, but, year after year, God opened doors for us, to help amplify Heaven’s Kingdom.

As a missionary organization, we are thankful to God for the opportunities He has given us to spread the Gospel all around the world.

Today, Genesis Mission is involved in the following projects:

– Church buildings construction in Romania, India, Mozambique and Madagascar.

– Student sponsorship in various Theological Schools.

– Supporting financially the Missionary School from Constanta, Romania.

– Sponsoring missionaries that are serving God in: India, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Turkey, Israel, Kenya,   Afghanistan, China, Mongolia, Philippines, and two other missionaries sponsored by the Church of God Organization, currently serving in Mongolia and Israel.

– Sponsoring orphanages in Romania, India, Mozambique, Madagascar, Kenya and Republic of Moldova.

– Financial support for two churches that belong to the brothers affected by leper in India and Madagascar.

– Support for mass media, evangelists.

– Spreading the Gospel to jail prisoners ( Romania, America).


This year, from May 12th to May 24th, brother Petru Amarei ( the President Of Romanian Television Network from Chicago) and I had a missionary journey to Madagascar. In this country, we have a missionary family sent by the APME Organization from Romania- Marcel and Ioana Saitis and their three children: Alice, Ruth and Philip. During our stay with this beloved family, we had the privilege to be involved in various projects:


Dedication of a new church, built by Genesis Mission in partnership with the local brothers and sisters in Christ

It was a sunny day that brought joy to the entire audience. At this event, we had a lot of participants: Pastors, Evangelists and spiritual leaders from different areas of Madagascar. The day was beautiful, filled with presence of the Holly Spirit, as we opened the doors of the new church and prayed that God will use this building for His Glory.



Another special event that we were part of it was a Water Baptism Ceremony

God’s Word was preached in Vatofotsy Church, a local church where Naina Sylvain is serving as main Pastor. God gave me the privilege to serve at that church, and the message I presented to the new candidates ready for baptism was: “ You can’t look back anymore!”. After the message, we went with the entire church, members and the new candidates, to the Mania River, a clear river with a beautiful view all around. At the river, under beautiful sunny sky, the entire church praised God’s Name with beautiful christian hymns, specifically chosen for this divine event.

Pastors Marcel Saitis, Naina Sylavain and I proceeded with the water baptism. We were happy to be present at this special event, and after the baptism ceremony, we were very glad to give each candidate a Bible. It was a very special surprise for them, as they were not expecting it.



Visitation of a Biblical School from Antananarivo

At this theological school, new pastors are taught the word of God, and prepare to serve others. It was such a meanningful meeting, as we were able to spend a blessed time with: Pastor Jim Tacher, School Director, Pastor Mantra from Antsirabe and Pastor Joy Roster, along with other spiritual leaders.


Visitation of our brothers in Christ from Managorano’s Leprosarium

   For me, this visit was extremely important and emotional. The Leprosarium it’s located at about 30 miles distance from Antsirabe, in mountains area. Mrs. Mary, the lady who is coordinating  all the activities at this special location, helped us connect with our brothers affected by leper. We visited their houses, and after that we spent time in their church. We were impressed by their worshipping style, we felt so humbled because they were singing with passion and thankfulness. One the most shocking moments for me, was when I saw a blind man singing the hymn: O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonderI see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder….”. It was a special church service, where we saw people who are suffering with such a terrible illness, are isolated and leave in poverty, praising God with so much passion and love. 

We were so glad that we got to spent time with them, and, at the same time we were able to bring some sacks filled with rice and comforters to help with some of their needs.



Bible School Graduation Ceremony

This is another event we were part of, and together, with the School Director, we signed students’ diplomas and hand them out to the graduates, along with new Bibles.



Sharing the Gospel in jungles

To be able to reach the locals in jungles, we used a helicopter to fly from one place to the other. This was another special moment in this  trip. We had an unique opportunity to share the Gospel with people that were so eager to listen to us, and learn about God’s word. I consider this opportunity a great blessing from God. None of the other events brought so much joy to my heart. It was very emotional to be able to share the good news in these communities, and I enjoyed every minute of it. I thank God for this privilege.



Christian Schools visits

We also visited several christian schools, where we were welcomed by children with so much love and joy. We prepared for each child a small gift, which they enjoyed greatly. Every little gift they receive brings so much happiness to these beloved children of God.



As a result of this missionary trip, God made me realize a few things of great importance:

Missionary trip it doesn’t mean that you get to buy a ticket to see Tarsus, like Jonas, nor to see India, Mozambique, Madagascar, Ethiopia or Philippines, or any other country from the third world. It doesn’t mean that you leave your home to travel across continents, to see the oceans raging, bare mountains, deep valleys and beautiful plains full of natural splendors; to see the exotic fauna and vegetation that our God created and wonders that you don’t get tired of looking at and admire. None of this special moments give you the joy and satisfaction that you receive from visiting your brothers and sister in Christ, who serve as missionaries all over the world. Missionary trip means that, you leave your family, your church and job, so you can go and be part of your missionary brothers’ lives, identify with them, listen to their needs, getting to know them at a deeper level, sleep where they sleep, eat what they eat, laugh with them, cry with them and pray with them. Moreover, you have to be ready to share the good news of the Gospel with those bounded by sin, and when you return, your missionary brothers are encouraged and you are a changed man, somebody who wants to dedicate his life to missionary work with passion and love.” 

Today, I thank God for all the blessings we received during this missionary trip!

Rev. Ilie U.Tomuta

Dir. Genesis Mission


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