Very Precious Greetings in Christ Jesus, our soon coming King!

“For we are talking pains to do what is what right, not only before The Lord but also in the eyes of men.”

2 Corinthians 8:21

Paul, challenges us to do the right things with honest and the integrity of the heart, always. Sometimes, our human nature drives us to do things to please God only. The text tells us to be honest not only before The Lord but also before the eyes of men. It’s with a great joy and responsibility to share with you, the ministry progress, and what The Lord has led us to do in March.

The Work Done

Kids Club

We are discipling children under the age of 3-6 years old, then we send them to the public school. Some places, kids meet under a tree, other places mud buildings and where we are, we have some three classrooms properly built where kids are taught.
We are very excited to see all the good and solid progress happening at our Kid’s Club, this month with a lot of good reports from parents. Parents, are so happy with all what is happening in and around the lives of their kids. We see in our whatsapp group the expressions of joy, gratitude and radiant hope for the future of these kids. I am fully persuaded that the Children’s Ministry is very powerful indeed. It breaks every tradition, cultural barriers and religious limits off. It opens doors to reach where we could not have reached otherwise! Hearing from other Pre-schools in city and the government authorities, our Pre School, has been given the highest position in terms of the excellence in all we do, we attribute ALL the glory to The Lord Jesus!

The Bible School

The Knowledge is power. Most of our church members and as well as Pastors and church leaders are very behind in the knowledge of God’s Word. There is a fast growing of various religious movements from different continents, with false doctrines, arresting many people captives to worship man. We are fully given to the ministry of the Word also, a part from other ministry focus. From left to the right, the first picture is from our Nampula Bible school and the last picture, is from our other Bible school, at Inhaminga region. We also have an online Bible School, using whatsapp audio call three days per week and it’s working pretty well for all of us and we thank God for the power of the technology.

Bible School

The Water Baptism

Those who come to our schools, some no water baptized from their local churches and we take the opportunity to water baptized them and experience the infilling of The Holy Ghost, with the evidence of speaking in the other tongues. All the glory to Jesus!

The Leadership Training

The Ministry is challenging and often times lonely and any word of encouragement is received as a drop of water in a dry land. Recently, we held one leadership at Nacala-port (56 Pastors), the second in Nampula city (78 Pastors), Youth seminar, in Nampula (234 youth) and fourth one was exclusively for our bible school students (48 students), a total of 416 leaders trained recently.

Prayer and Intercession

During our training sessions, we have some quality time of worship, the Word and prayer and intercession for several nations, including Israel and our nation under the terrorist attacks. This year, we plan to train and equip a minimum of 1000 evangelists and disciple makers. We feel the calling to win as many souls possible, before the doors are closed.

We often pray for the peace of Israel and that God’s purpose and will to be done.


The couple is part of our church since 2021 and for five times she became pregnant and also for five time, she had miscarriages. She went from one church to another, seeking for her miracle for a child. After praying with her, one year later, she became pregnant and in March, she gave birth to a son called him: Ephraim. What is the most amazing is that the couple gave their son, back to The Lord as Samuel was given to the temple of The Lord. The boy was born on March last year and this year, they brought for prayer and thank The Lord Jesus, for the gift of life. The Mother is now pregnant again, praise The Lord.

Quiteria And Aguinaldo

This is the testimony of pain, faith, endurance and hope. The couple is in their 70s and members of our local church since 2009, till today, fully committed, despite of their critical health conditions. Mr. Ernesto has been sick with a stroke (paralysis) close ten years now, still fighting against it. Mrs. Henriqueta his wife, had a heart surgery about five years ago and The Lord has been so kind to her, keeping her strong and in a good health, strong enough to take care of her husband, to the bathroom, in and out of the house every day. Our local church, have come up with a plan to make some financial contribution to support this couple monthly, divided into two: Part of it for food and the other half to help them do some small business, at the near market where they live, till we have a break through or different leading. We are very excited for this step of faith to help this couple who have been so committed to our local assembly during the years of the fat cows of their lives!
Mãe Henriqueta said: “The church family, have become my true family, more than my own blood family. For many years, my husband and I, have been taking care of so many people from our relatives in many ways. Now in our old age, we cry for help and no one comes to our rescue. We praise Deus that our church family is present. The help which comes from the church its such a miracle for us.” There is such joy from both sides the givers and the receivers and to God be all the glory!

The Couple Ernesto and Henriqueta

The Outreach

The Rain season is disappearing and we are back on the move again. “The Rapture does not wait and each day, we are drawing near to it and we must preach Christ at all cost, with a full speed and at all cost.” Recently, a team of five people from our local church, went to Ligonha about 160km for the evangelism, faith building, encouragement to the local church and as well do the water baptism.

Our ministry time there was very, very profitable indeed in several ways, from encouragement to faith building, connection and 16 new people accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior and were water baptized. Soon, around the month of May, we plan to send a team of 5 people for one month at Ligonha Wa Yesu, to continue the work of evangelism covering the whole villa, one to one and house to house, till all they hear the gospel. During that time, we will go in between to join them and show the Jesus movie, for a larger crowd. We are believing for the great harvest of souls at Ligonha this year. All the glory to our Lord Jesus!

The New Law of Religious Liberty and Freedom of Worship

Armando with the red tie, on the left

The National Justice Ministry and Religious Affairs, Mozambique, organized a training seminar for different Religious Leaders for March 11-12th on several issues of the national interest, to be added at the “New Law of The Religious Freedom and of worship”, now in The Parliament, waiting to be finalized.

Out of several topics which were discussed the following were the main focal points:

  • The Church’s response against the terrorist attacks in Cabo and the Climate changes happening in Mozambique.
  • The Religious Identity and The Human dignity. Each religious group must be respected and treat with respect and given freedom within the law to do their work freely.
  • The International Human Rights Laws. Bring awareness of the severe violations of laws and the importance for the people to know the law in order to be able act accordingly.
  • The Governor versus The Provincial State Secretary. Is it really necessary to have these two figures in the same Province or just keep the Governors!
  • Electoral Law change from multiple elections to just one, for all. Meaning that he country needs to have just one time election for Presidential, Parties, Municipal, District and other functions, instead of having three elections.
  • The Freedom of Circulation and other topics. There has been a lot of complications recently travelling in Mozambique and most of these complications are caused by the army on the road, acting out of the law.

Firstly, the training was to provide the basic knowledge to various religious leaders, from different religious groups from Niassa, Cabo and Nampula Provinces, of their Religious rights, responsibilities and the freedom that is available within law. Secondly, to provide the support base, under the Human Rights International laws, to the religious groups. Thirdly, to push the religious leaders to let as many people as possible to know about it and help people live with the dignity.

During this training, I was appointed by Nampula Religious Fairs and given a privilege and much more than that, the responsibility to research and speak on “The Religious Identity and The Human Dignity”, from both the Bible perspective and also from the Human Rights stand point. The final recommendation was to eventually, “leaders from Nampula, Niassa and Cabo, call all other in these three Provinces, to transmit the same teaching all the rest, so that they may also take it to their church pew and glean what people feel, then send it to the Parliament in Maputo.

Personally, I think it’s a great open door to put some preasure to the government to make some good changes. We are approaching the elections time and things are really moving up and down and there is no certainty of what will happen, one year from now in Mozambique: The terrorism acts, hot political tensions in Renamo also Frelimo with the internal struggles for succession, pending judgment for the current country’s president on the issue of secret debts. We have a mission and the purpose is clear, to fulfil the Great Commission of Christ Jesus in this nation. Come bad days or good days, we make the best use of every window of opportunity, that is available!


There is an eye infection epidemy, which is widely affecting the city, northern side of the country and now it’s going down to central part of the country, very malicious infection. Lease, stand with us in your prayer, believing that The Lord Jesus, will remove it from our city, for His glory!

Prayer Request for April 2024

  1. The Bible School: Lurdes and I, will be teaching as from March 25th, at our Bible School, the subject of “The Basic Doctrines of the Christian Faith and we are looking forward to it with a great anticipation.”
  2. Outreaches and Evangelists training. We plan to do something different this year on our approach for the outreach. We want to train the local members to do the work of the evangelism. In the past, our team would do it with a very small participation from the local members. We plan to train a minimum of 1.000 souls winners and disciple makers by the end of this year and in April alone, we are aiming to train 250 in the following villages. Namina zone (50), Nipuro zone (50), Pecuaria zone (50), Ribaue zone (50), Namigonha zone (50).
  3. The Plight and the flight. The Terrorist attacks have intensified. This month, has been one of the most aggressive month in terms of the massive attacks and killings both of the government soldiers, the innocent lives and infrastructures destroyed. Thousands of people have fled from their homes, seeking refuge to safe places. Please, that The Lord will end the fight.
  4. Mozambique. Our current President will not run for the third round and he needs to be replaced and the ruling party (FRELIMO) is looking for someone, to replace him. The country needs someone after God’s own heart. On the other side, Mozambique’s first opposition party (RENAMO), also needs a change within. The current party president finished his term and there is such tension within the political arena. This year, we will have the general elections, in October 8th. While the politicians are fighting in the cities, the terrorists are killing people, burning homes and gaining ground, just a 20km away from one of the major cities of Mozambique (PEMBA) which is four hours of driver away from where we live. In the last two weeks alone, 100.000 people were forced to leave their homes, to different place for the safety, making way for the humanitarian crisis. When you pray, please remember Mozambique.

The Next Generation

We believe in the youth and strength. We have given the best years of our lives in the ministry to the Lord and will continue going, as far as The Lord allows us to go. We are giving a very special attention to our young people in the church, to pass on to them God’s legacy and inheritance of faith. From time to time, we meet with them at some place for coaching.

Dad and Mom, Mozambique will always be grateful for your financial and prayer support and above all for your LOVE and kindness. The Jo family, is able to do the work of the ministry, through your faithful support, all these years. Our heart felt gratitude. The picture on the right is the couple: Armando & Lurdes Jo, during the Sunday worship service two weeks ago.

“May the kindness and the mercies of our Lord, follow you, every day of your lives. May you dwell in the House of The Lord forever”

Psalms 23:6

Till then, remain blessed.

Armando & Lurdes,
Debora, Bene and Simona.

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